Free recording: When the drugs don't work: the science behind lifestyle modification

A multimodal approach to osteoarthritis management is widely preached, combining pharmaceuticals, weight management, dietary supplementation, physical therapies and surgery. An often overlooked aspect of management is lifestyle adaptation to minimise further injury and potentially slow the progression of the disease and its impact on the whole body. Consult time is short and workplace pressures are high leaving little room for "fluffy" advice. This free webinar removes the "fluff" and replaces it with science giving the attendee the confidence to tackle these game changing conversations within the clinic.


  1. To understand the prevalence of canine osteoarthritis and that it is now classified a welfare concern.
  2. To recount and routinely use the multimodal approach to management of osteoarthritis
  3. To comprehend and convey in communication with owners the importance of exercise and lifestyle adaptation

Presenters - Hannah Capon, Director and Founder, Canine Arthritis Management

Hannah Capon MA Vet MB MRCVS, winner of the 2020 Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Impact Award, the 2019 Ceva Vet of the Year and finalist in the 2019 Petplan Vet of the Year, is a first opinion veterinary surgeon in the UK. Recognised for her tireless work on Canine Arthritis Management (CAM) an online education and support service for owners of arthritic dogs and professionals that care for them.

CAM began as a simple Facebook page in 2015 where Hannah would promote earlier identification and thorough multimodal management plans. Now it boasts a flourishing service run by a team of veterinary professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to help owners. CAM has become an unstoppable force. A respected website full of downloads, like the unique Home Safe tool (#itsmyhometoo), a large social media presence through Facebook, Instagram, twitter and YouTube. An online shop stocking awareness merchandise, owner education and other canine essentials. An education provider for first opinion practices, as well as dog groups, paraprofessionals and owners. An inspirational campaign group to raise awareness of the serious nature of this disease (#yourdogmoreyears)

CAM has worked with numerous industry partners but are especially proud of recent work with Hills Pet Foods creating a 12 part webinar series that had 1300 sign ups within the first 3 weeks of release.

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